WBN 2014

Yay World book night is almost here again. This is my 3rd year as a giver and the number of books to given out has shrunk to 18, which to be honest isn’t a bad thing as I’d had trouble giving away the last few of each box so hopefully this year I’ll run out completely.

This year I’m giving away After the Funeral by Agatha Christie which is a great book that typifies Christies in-depth characters and fantastic plot twists.

imagePlot summary: With no heir to the family fortune, descendants of Richard Abernethie have gathered to hear the reading of the will. When his sister suggests that his death wasn’t natural and she ends up dead, the original death is examined a little more closely when the family solicitor calls on Hercule Poirot to help solve the mystery.


An interesting fact about this story is that the role of Poirot was replaced with Miss Marple by MGM in the 1963 film starring Margaret Rutherford, the name was also changed to Murder at the Gallop.

I struggled with this years book choices as on previous lists there have been more than one I would have been happy with. This time around the Agatha Christie novel was the only one I would be happy recommending to people who don’t read much. I believe that the format of selection was changed for this years book shortlist so many that’s why I felt it lacking in choice.